A new look for the Chronicles

Well after all these years I fancied a change and have opted for the “Rusty Grunge” theme designed by Chris Wallace. I’ll be adding some new features in the very near future too – I want to see if I can get the Wowhead news feed to work in the sidebar perhaps and also add the JavaScript to get their tooltips to show when you hover over an item link.

I’ve received some great comments over the years and if anyone finds my guides are a bit tired or just plain out-of-date then please do get in touch. If you’re willing to submit revised or new articles to help keep us relevant, that would be awesome for the community.

Ghostcrawler Spirit Beast – Tamed!

Get in there! I camped the Abyssal Depths in Vash’jir for about 6 hours last night and picked up again today more or less from the same start time. An hour later (18.30hrs server time) and Ghostcrawler had spawned and was walking north along his path on the far western edge of the Abyssal Depths. Having completed several circuits and then popping back to Orgrimmar to auction the 13 stacks of Obsidium Ore I couldn’t have been gone more than 10 minutes when he’d finally spawned.

He hits pretty hard, what with his nerfbat and all but despite having 94k HP, I popped a stamina buff, a Potion of Speed, Deterrence and Rapid Fire just to be sure and probably ended the tame at 50% health.

Gebeorgan and Ghostcrawler

Gebeorgan and Ghostcrawler


Awesomeosaurus T-shirts

Any King Krush or devilsaur owners out there? I have a fledgling t-shirt company called Awesomeosaurus T-shirts that might just appeal to you. My first design is a T-Rex fighting it out with a host of zombies – who do you think will win? I have a $10 off coupon code right now off the American Apparel t-shirts that’s valid until a minute before midnight (MST) on Sunday 23 January. I also donate 10% of the sale to the gamer’s charity, Child’s Play which I hope you agree is worthy of support. I’d be delighted to see you on our Facebook Page – stop by, say “hi” and post up a pic of your hunter and pet why not? Especially if you do have King Krush 🙂

To take advantage of the deal, use discount code LoveAA2011 at checkout.

Has it really been a year?

Oh boy. I’ve been hot and cold with World of Warcraft since last year, not helped by ill health following a massive pulmonary embolism which almost sent me to the Spirit Healer in November 2009. Inevitably Cataclysm has brought me back and because my guild is so awesome, I rolled a Goblin hunter to stay with them. Just how good is Cataclysm? Blizzard have done a great job revamping the geography and quests and sticking all the instance quest givers inside the instance means the group finder is even more useful. Being a Goblin, I tamed one of those color-changing raptors on the starter Lost Isles – lots of awesome as he spawns a different color when you dismount your Goblin Trike. I have another stable slot available and I’ve reserved that for a Black Axe Monkey from Deadmines – I mean, you have to – don’t you?

I’ll have to get a screen shot shortly…