Level 39 PvP Hunter Twink Weapons

A twink is a player character that is disproportionately powerful for its level, possessing potent items and high-end enchants that are generally way beyond the means of other players at that level. Twink items are acquired through rare drops, drops off of bosses in instances, as rewards from very difficult to complete quests, as gifts, or from the Auction House. Twink items on the Auction House are usually very expensive. The enchantments twinks typically have on their equipment can be performed only by higher level characters at the top of the enchanting profession and are usually very expensive. Therefore, twinking usually requires significant assistance from high-level alts, friends, and / or guild members. However, there are examples of self-made twinks that generate the necessary gold from Auction House trading or other in-game methods. Twinks are mainly used in PVP fighting or in Battlegrounds. WoW Wiki

Some careful planning and a little bit of luck is needed for this next level of PvP twinking and you’ll need the assistance of a high-level friend for the best kit. So, without further ado and in order of most desirable:

Bow of Searing Arrows

The Bow of Searing Arrows is a random-drop Epic bow that’s quite reasonably priced when it appears on the Auction House at about 150-200g. Bearing in mind that I’ll be sat at level 39 for quite some time and that this bow will be adequate to level with afterwards too, it’s money you can recoup easily.

Monolithic Bow

Now the Monolithic Bow drops from mobs inside Uldaman so you can either farm it or keep an eye on the Auction House for it.

Shadowforge Bushmaster

For the gun lovers amongst you, the Shadowforge Bushmaster can also be found in Uldaman.

The Silencer

A random drop, The Silencer is another gun to consider.

Twinking is all about planning—read the WoWHead comments about all these weapons, do some math yourself even and then having made a decision as to which weapon suits you, make sure you skill up with that weapon class especially if you’re switching from guns to bows or vice versa. Me? I’m undecided at the moment despite already owning the Epic bow (and the Bushmaster).

Don’t forget to stock up on Engineer-crafted Hi-Impact Mithril Slugs for your rifles or Precision Arrows for bow users—noting that it’s a right royal pain in the ass to get those arrows. That’s the ranged weaponry identified, now let’s look at the melee stuff:


Another Epic random-drop and taking up a slot in my bank, the Nighblade is a 2-handed sword with a proc and high maximum damage for some good ol’ button mashing melee-mode.

Advisor’s Gnarled Staff

This staff is a PvP reward from the Warsong Outriders and will set you back 938 Honor Points and 40 Marks of Honor. With +14 Stamina, +9 Intellect and +6 Mana per second recovery the automatic choice of Epix is no longer automatic.


Once you leave the battlegrounds at level 30 you need to start planning. What’s your ranged weapon of choice? Is it a case of sticking with your bow or are you switching to a gun? if so, you’ll want a gun now and get skilled with it—and vice versa. Same goes for your melee weapon too. Be sure to check out the accompanying Armor for level 39 twinks post to help plan your leveling strategy.

6 responses to “Level 39 PvP Hunter Twink Weapons

  1. Pingback: Epix: We has them « Chronicles of a World of Warcraft Hunter

  2. Pingback: Level 39 PvP Hunter Twink Armor « Chronicles of a World of Warcraft Hunter

  3. i recomend s the bow of searing arrows is slow that is it should be used with markmanship talent and high agility for crit % i also recomen duel weilding speedsteel raiper and have +20 aility on each

  4. Bow of Searing Arrows yeah

    Melee weapons you want Speedsteel Rapiers http://www.wowhead.com/?item=13034 a pair of them with +20 Agi on each http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=42620

    or if you can get them Ginn-Su swords http://www.wowhead.com/?item=9424
    with same Enchants.

    Personal Preference is the Ginn-Su swords because When sheathed they are on the back and look kickarse. (RolePlaying Server)

    But Really hard to get from Uldaman (farming for ages with main and still no luck)